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Fantasy last won the day on August 8 2016

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  • Birthday 06/28/1990

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    Nationwide Legends
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  1. This would just compile an easy list of servers to attack (DDoS attacks) for angry cheaters. =/ The intent it good, but it would offer more disadvantages than benefits.
  2. Violations from Lite Streaming Admins are put on the "unofficial" Master Ban Index (short UMBi), you need to be a Full Streaming Admin in order for your bans to be put on the official Master Ban Index. No need to worry though, its technically two different Banlists, but many Full Streaming Admins are enforcing UMBi bans as well :) Its just a security precaution to keep the most possible integrity on the official MBi as requirements for Lite Streaming aren't as strict as those for Full Streaming.
  3. [#103137] You do not have permission to view this topic. :(
  4. Am besten hier: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/account-questions-and-troubleshooting-private-f553.html einen Thread eröffnen und darum bitten (auf Englisch!), da sehen das die Staffs idR. schneller :)
  5. You want "normal" cod4 or oldscool? if normal then you just need to change scr_hardcore to 0 without changing the scr_oldschool_mw (it should be 0)
  6. Wie schon gesagt muss einer der Staffs deinen Account vorher noch ein mal reaktivieren. In das PBBans AccCP trägst du den Game/Join-Port ein, das müsste bei euch der 47200 sein wenn ich mich auf Gametracker verlassen kann. Für das automatische Setup brauchst du aber soweit ich weiß den Admin-Port (auch Query oder RCon Port genannt), den müsste dir dein Gameserveranbieter mitgeteilt haben.
  7. Wieder der selbe Fehler mit "Account Inactive"? Stelle bitte sicher, dass der Port zu eurem Server stimmt und dieser auch wirklich für das Streaming eingerichtet ist - nachdem ein Staff Mitglied dich wieder freigeschaltet hat. http://www.pbbans.com/automated-streaming-setup.html ausführen und dann in der Serververwaltung beobachten ob der Server auch wirklich anfängt zu streamen ( hier geht es zu Serververwaltung ). Sollte er dies nicht tun, sende bitte die Befehle die du Hier aufgelistet siehst manuell per RCon an den Server. Sollte er danach anfangen zu streamen, beobachte bitte die darauffolgenden Tage in der Accverwaltung ob der Server auch problemlos durchstreamt oder es wieder zum Abbruch des Streamings kommt.
  8. Wenn das Problem seit dem 30. Januar besteht, dann solltest du mal ins SGA Interne Forum schauen, dort steht sowohl die Ursache als auch die Lösung dazu. Solltest du nicht mehr reinschauen können weil der Server zu lang Inaktiv war und du nun keinen SGA Status mehr hast, wird dir einer der Staffs die Lösung dazu per PN schicken müssen. Grundsätzlich solltest du in Zukunft öfter ins Forum schauen und erst gar nicht darauf warten bis euer Account auf inaktiv geschaltet wird, spart mühe und Nerven deinerseits. ;)
  9. No, there are no exceptions made. No streamed evidence, no ban. Send it to the EA support and hope they take action ;)
  10. You propably have the flag "Accept new Bans" active on your server, so only new bans on PBBans are added to your pbbans.dat. Personally, i would remove that flag and just enable the "Enforce Bans" flag. if you activate that the HUB checks all ppl who want to join your server against the MBi and prevent them from joining if a match is found. So you dont have to store all bans from the MBi in your local pbbans.dat on the server which is more efficent and does not produce lag. (A server can lag if there are too many entries in the local pbbans.dat) For security reasons you should keep an updated copy of the MBi (You can download it here: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-download-bf3-dlb41.html ) on your computer for times when the Hub is offline :)
  11. Yes, altough Punkbuster seems to get more confident in issueing Global Bans more often now. But mostly its still just a 2 minute kick for detected hacks as Aimbot, Wallhack etc. There are no hardware bans, maybe they were issued a long time before, but right now Punkbuster is not issueing such bans. Communities like PBBans are the deterrent :) Punkbuster is not perfect and could work better, yes, but i it is still a solid anti cheat. At least better than VAC if you ask me. I still have control what i make out of those violations Punkbuster issues, i either ignore them completely and dont care about it, or i join communities and share my busted punks ;) Of course i could just issue permanent bans on my servers for all caught cheaters on my server, all those violations are saved in the punkbuster logs of a server. If you dont like how Punkbuster handles with cheaters, you better play a game with VAC anticheat ;) but if that is better for you is a completely different case ...
  12. Punkbuster does not issue Global Bans for all cheats, dont ask me why they dont, but its a fact. Many Violations are only kicked for usually 2 minutes. (depends on the settings of a server) After those 2 minutes are over, a GUID which issued the violation is able to join this (and all other) server again and play as if nothing happened. Sites like PBBans are collecting those violations and puts the GUIDs involved on their Master Ban Index. All servers which are streaming to those sites, are importing this list and therefore those GUIDs cant join streaming servers. This is the porpose of those sites in general. They enhance the functionality of Punkbuster in many ways. And of course They are detecting cheats with so called md5 scans too. You can find more information on what PBBans is here: http://www.pbbans.com/about-pbbans.html and here: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-beginnersguide.html
  13. thats the only thing i can say ...
  14. Schneller gehts hier: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/account-questions-and-troubleshooting-private-f553.html (in englischer Sprache) :)
  15. Windows Server Files are now available on Steam, as everyone expected, no Linux on Launch yay !
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