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Everything posted by Host1le

  1. Okay. I was at work while this was taking place, and a few members in the server screentshotted chat log of him spamming. When I got off I was informed, therefore first action I took was reviewing the logs, and banning him local via the ban.txt Anyhow. Thanks, I will inform our members of the correct procedures/processes.
  2. So I was informed that a player was spamming the link to cod4 wallhacks in my server. I searched his name in the server pb logs and this is what I found. [0f6879a99c6fd35da7174d8f9e75a103] "DeathCore" (seq 14055010) PunkBuster Server: PB UCON "pbbhub1"@ [say DeathCore^2www.omgimanoobthathathastocheattowin.atw.hu ^7-> olcs
  3. awesome. Got that set up and saved. Thanks x]. Next question When will this take effect? do i need to restart server?. ip is EDIT:: I see it starts working immediately. Thank you very MUCH! x]
  4. I'm already streaming and setup. Already added those files and restarted pb and all that. I'm currently streaming if i check with the pb_sv_ucon command or whatever. But where do i set these messages up?
  5. Hello, Sorry If I'm being a noob but I've spent a couple hours searching on how to get Welcome messages on my COD4 server and have yet to succeed. I saw something about the command for MOTD message of the day, but if that's the command to enable this, what's the varible command for the username?. How can I get my COD4 Server to Welcome each player that joins and gives them a breifing on the rules? I've seen it on a few servers. Thanks, .:H:.BoOoM|CoS
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