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Everything posted by druxus

  1. I have been Wondering lately WHy PB can't pick up the Commader Hack in BF2 which has been out for years? I would think that it couldn't be too hard to find out who was dropping 5 million cars and supply crates. Although I do not Know much about this hack other than the fact that cars get dropped on my head. I do know it has been around for years and although not as annoying as aimbot and some of the others, I would love to get the warm fuzzy feeling watching these idiots get PBBans
  2. Can the average person do this? I do not run a server or admin on a server, Just would like to know when the server is streaming
  3. LOL I wish I could be called a cheater. I stink at BF2 but i still enjoy it, Sometimes though the cheaters are kinda obvious. I just got killed by 200 vehicles dropped on my head
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