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About =S*E=TomGun

  • Birthday 01/14/1978

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    Battlefield 4
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  1. On here im with the clan solo-elite but am no longer with them , I cant seem to leave on here, can someone move me out so I dont show as being with them please cheers
  2. I know what your saying, but these days they all block it, tbh I don't need to see if they have any visual aids, for me its too obvious..
  3. where do I report these on here? I have banned them from our server its starting to look like what ever hack they are using its using spectator mode to show targets. Both videos show evidence of when the icon is above peoples head he knows exactly where they are and the danger it gives. There are other times in both videos that when in spectator mode there is no icons but the enemy is in plane sight the player seems to be blind as a bat. I dont think its a aim bot rather he knows where peope are.
  4. Im using them and I gotta be honest it makes the game look HD. It looks more real in my eyes with its advantages and disadvantages. Its clearer yes and the game bloody should be on a HD monitor but at long distance its harder to see people because they blend in more with the surroundings.... more realistic!!! If this gets banned its stupid, its on the NVidia websight, its how game that are ment to look real should look!! any update on this EB/PBbans??
  5. yeay i did it :P yeah need to sort the bf2cc thingy :) cheeers guys for ya help :)
  6. i ran the webtool again and these are the text pbvs.cfg user log
  7. its still not streaming so i dunno now..
  8. ok re did all the files as it just says its not safe to use but that dont mean its not using it :P
  9. aarrhh also put the MD5check text into pbsvuser.cfg aswell, im either sorting it or stuffing it up totally :P
  10. I think i just realised whats going on, in clanforge it says "pbsv.cfg not safe to use using pbsvuser.cfg instead" so i just copied the text into that 1 :) hopefully this will sort it out
  11. aarrhhh ok furry muff ill update manually from now on.. all files uploaded and restarted pb plus just for good meassure done the web tool thingy, not rebooted server tho as its heavin atm :) you guys are welcome to join in :) cheers
  12. just wrote the MCi files to the server, so fingers crossed, not sure why they wernt there but hey lets see what happens and cheers again fellas :)
  13. ok done all that and im always using punkbuster via rcontool so i dont think i turned it off, hopefully it should all sort it now then :) I have the server set up for auto update for the MCi stuff so that should be fine should it not?
  14. bloody hope not, ill click that link and try it out cheers :)
  15. yes i am m8, what am I doing wrong? added ya to xfire aswell if thats ok :)
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