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  1. true I will also ask there:) seen weapon scripting was hoping for something global like in et pub is g_dmg
  2. Hey Maybe someone knows how to change weapon range. how to: Lower dmg for short range weapons when shooting on long range. appreciate any sugestion that may help
  3. Thx for answer :) But i found what was wrong. There where 10 maps in first campaign - I have reduced it to 9 and its working now. I also created 3 diferent files.campaign in script folder, compresed in one .pk3 but it should also work with one file. so do as you like,
  4. Do you mean just changing 30 maps ? one after another.
  5. I need some help and guidance with campaign rotation, narowly what should i do to make it work. I run server with noquarter 1.1.1 I have created pk3 file name camp.pk3 The file contain : { name "camp 1/3" shortname "cmpgn_k_1" description "description" maps "goldrush;snatch3" mapTC 374 374 type "wolfmp" } { name "camp 2/3" shortname "cmpgn_k_2" description "description" maps "venice;oasis" mapTC 374 374 type "wolfmp" } { name "camp 3/3" shortname "cmpgn_k_3" description "description" maps "fueldump;v2base" mapTC 374 374 type "wolfmp" } server config do: exec campaigncycle.cfg set com_watchdog_cmd "vstr d_initial; say watchdog found no map running - restarted mapcycle" and campaigncycle look like this: campaigncycle.cfg set d1 "campaign cmpgn_k_1; set nextcampaign vstr d2" set d2 "campaign cmpgn_k_2; set nextcampaign vstr d3" set d3 "campaign cmpgn_k_3; set nextcampaign vstr d1" // server doesn't recognise the campaign command when the gamecode isn't running yet. set d_initial "set g_gametype 4; map goldrush; set nextcampaign vstr d2" vstr d_initial Now server stops at last map of first campaign and I can't get it jump to next campaign. If anyone of you see waht is wrong and can help me I be greatfull. Thx
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