I think this is were good admins come in tbh. As much as this subject is a bore to admins, we have to deal with it properly to show our other visiting players that we are fair and consistant as previously mentioned and will not tolerate idiots who constantly moan and accuse players of hacking or any other grief, call it wot u will, just because the accusers are crap at the game.
As mentioned above again, if there is an instant were someone thinks hacking is happening then record it and then let the admins of that server deal with it. Put up or shut up imo.
Imo, don't accuse until the evidence is there.
This guy Ren plays on our server so i no how he plays and yes he is a good player but I would not take that away from him just cos he may on the occassion whoop my ass.
Game on Ren ;)