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T}{e_}{unter last won the day on April 21 2012

T}{e_}{unter had the most liked content!

About T}{e_}{unter

  • Birthday 06/15/1987

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    NC USA

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  1. Look's like they are still trying to fill they're pockets with some last minute cash before the :shit_fan:
  2. Don't decid just yet game is still in yes there are bugs but they are patching it almost everyday to fix them, and it takes some time getting used too going from BF3 to this :banghead:
  3. Been playing this game for a few weeks now and i must say its fun, some of the battles are really big 100+ infantry 30+ armor 15+ air support and thats only the biggest fight iv been in!
  4. They also said they were working on VoIP for bf3 at one point or another, lie's I say LIE'S!!!!!
  5. What a bunch of bull!
  6. I'll pass on the 69.99 coaster I have enough of those to last me 4 lifetimes!
  7. That didn't look like little Johnny to me lol.
  8. What no spoiler :rolleyes:
  9. I hope this is not the wrong place to post this but here goes two of our guys are playing a round of Oman one get's stuck the other try's to help and the end result they both get stuck LOL
  10. Hey Hunter long time no see. Check us out at frigginoldguys dot com miss adding to your score :)

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