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Everything posted by Sky-Stryker

  1. Clanoutpost Gameservers also offer Reselling packages for the more popular games. Check them out at http://cogameservers.com/reseller
  2. Hello. Clanoutpost Gameservers is now open yet again for business, we've upgraded our website fixing a ton of bugs and adding a bunch of different features. One feature tat is now very popular is our Free Trial section, before you buy a server through us we encourage people to test from first so see if they like it. So now we are offering a very fast and easy solution for that, you get yourself a 24 hour Free Trial with a server of your choice. Tired of paying too much for your servers and always having them crash and then waiting hours for them to be put back online? Well your search is over! Use the promocode "NEW' to get 25% off your servers! Our servers are located in Chicago and Paris. Get your Counter Strike Global Offensive server for only $0.50 a slot! We offer games from as low as $0.60 a slot to the more higher memory usage games for $2.80 a slot! Minecraft Servers as low as $3.00 and as high as $40 per server. You paid per the MB not per slots We offer Redirects for a low price of only $7.50 a month! We offer a huge variety of games and can host plenty more then what we have up on our site. Halo Servers now $0.50 a slot! Call of Duty Servers for $0.75 a slot! If you rent 5 or more servers from us you get a discount promo code. This promocode can be used by you only to lower the server prices and to lower your next purchase. The promo code is 20% all servers that you rent from us. This is our way of helping out clans money wise.   We offer a refer program that offers 100% Account Credit per client refered. If you have any questions at all you can contact me at Email - [email protected] Live Chat Why wait anylonger? Come get your Gameservers today! Clanoutpost Servers Thank you and happy gaming! Devin Clanoutpost Gameservers Founder
  3. We've changed a few things with DayZ. We've opened up another location for DayZ We now have Phoenix Az, Dallas Tx, Los Angeles Ca now hosting DayZ servers. New package is the following; You can get a 50 slot DayZ server for $35 a month. This includes the following; Database Access Free 10 slot Teamspeak Server Free www.YOURDOMAIN.cogameservers.com website 24/7 support 90% of the DayZ mods are there for you to add to your server, the other 10% are mods that are being created weekly and daily that we do not know about. Thank you and have a great day! Clanoutpost Gameservers Owner
  4. Hello, I'm just letting you guys know that Clanoutpost Gameservers is now hosting DayZ Servers. We host them for $1.00 a slot, we only host Private Servers so your able to pick between 25-50 slots. We only allow hosting in 2 locations. Dallas and Los Angeles as of right now, reason for that is because we are just starting off with DayZ and it is a very powerful and resource needing server/game. Once we get a few orders and build up the client base in DayZ we will be moving into other parts of the USA and Europe. www.cogameservers.com Thank you and have a great day! Clanoutpost Gameservers Devin
  5. Hello PBBANS members and guests. 11 days ago Clanoutpost Gameservers created a voting website for Clans and Communities. The website is like top100clans.com and sites like that. The url is www.clanvote.com Its very easy to advertise your Clan/Community on this site, since the site has been up for 7 days the trial period is over, we have reached a total of 481 page views with a total of 1337 page views. If you want your website (Clan/community) on this site just create an account and add it, I'll accept the website within 12 hours, I have to approve every site because we got hit with a spam bot that posted 50 fake sites within 2 hours of the site being up. Please help support us by adding your clan/community to this website! Thank you and have a great day! Devin Clanoutpost Gameservers (http://www.cogameservers.com) Owner
  6. Hello, Clanoutpost Gameservers is holding a Black Friday week. Starting today until Nov 30th if you use the promocode BLACKFRIDAY you get 50% off your total order for everything we host except; Voice Servers Dedicated Boxes Everything else is 50% off, you can get gameservers for $0.25 a slot or webhosting for $2.50 a month! This deal is 50% off your server for 3 months, after the 3 months is up the price goes back to the normal price. Don't miss out on this awesome deal! www.cogameservers.com Get your server today! Clanoutpost Gameservers Mangement
  7. Hello PBBAN Members and Guests, Clanoutpost is proud to be annoucing that for an unlimited time only we will be selling 90% of our games at $15.00 with unlimited slots. With this deal you get the following: B3 with no support - FREE B3 with support - $3 Fast Redirect - $9 Voice Server limit 12 slots - FREE Depending on the game a choice of slots between 12-32 or 12-64 No matter what the slot count is, you only pay $15.00 USD for it! This is a limited time only deal so don't expect it to be here at the end of September. There isn't a set time that this deal will end but its for a limited time only! Hurry and get your server today! Can't beat $15.00! Save $33 on a 64 slot server! www.cogameservers.com Click this link to take your straight to the Discount page http://www.cogameservers.com/whmcs/cart.php?gid=10 Thank you and have a great day and week! Clanoutpost Gameservers Management
  8. Hello. Clanoutpost is proud to be annoucing that starting today, All Counter Strike games will be $0.50 a slot, including CSGO Why spend extra money on something when you don't have too? www.cogameservers.com Come get your server today!
  9. Clanoutpost Gameservers is now offering Package Deals! Our most popular games we now have a package deal that can save you up to $16.80! The package includes Call of Duty 4, Counter Strike Source and Counter Strike 1.6. We offer 3 packages per game. First Package "Team Starter" 24 Public slots 16 Private slots 16 Voice slots $25 Second Package "Clan Starter" 32 Public slots 18 Private slots 22 Voice $35 Third Package "Community Starter" 32 Public slots x2 (Your able to combine the 32 slots to make a 64 slot server) 18 Private slots 32 Voice slots $50 You can check them our here. http://cogameservers.com/packages Thank you and have a great day! Devin Clanoutpost Gameservers Owner
  10. We just got a Dallas location. We currently host in Chicago and Dallas
  11. Hello everyone, I have been working on this league for a few months now and now I can say, its going public. Right now this league currently has; 1 ladder setup. Call of Duty 4 - Promod (Awaiting Approval for SC2) 1 Tournament Call of Duty 4 - Promod ($25 Buy in) 1st Place gets 50% 2nd Place gets 25% 3rd Place gets 10% The league rules are very simple, they are made to make the game fair for everyone. The league is sponsored by Clanoutpost Gameservers www.cogameservers.com The website is www.pc-league.com We are currently looking for cod4 staff members, Starcraft 2 staff members and suggestions on what ladders or tournaments we should hold. Thank you and we hope to see you around PC-League.com Owner
  12. Hello PBBans members and guests . Tired of paying too much for your servers and always having them crash and then waiting hours for them to be put back online? Well your search is over! Our servers are located in Chicago so All North American players can have a decent ping while our friends over to the east can still play with us and not have a really high ping. We offer games from as low as $0.60 a slot to the more higher memory usage games for $2.80 a slot! Minecraft Servers as low as $7.00 and as high as $60 per server. You paid per the MB not per slots We offer Redirects for a low price of only $9.00 a month! We offer Webhosting for as low as $5.00 a month. We also offer Teamspeak 3 servers for only $0.25 a slot! We offer a huge variety of games and can host plenty more then what we have up on our site. We offer games from ARMA2 for as low as $2.80 a slot all the way through to Wolfenstien Enemy Territory at $0.75 a slot or the old games like Battlefield 1942 for as low as $0.60 a slot! Halo Servers now $0.50 a slot! If you rent 5 or more servers from us you get a discount promo code. This promocode can be used by you only to lower the server prices and to lower your next purchase. The promo code is 20% all servers that you rent from us. This is our way of helping out clans money wise.   We offer a refer program that offers 100% Account Credit per client refered. If you have any questions at all you can contact me at Email - [email protected] Xfire - skystriker98 Why wait anylonger? Come get your Gameservers today! www.cogameservers.com Thank you and happy gaming! Devin Clanoutpost Gameservers Founder
  13. Hello Pbbans members and guests. I'd first off like to say that all the staff at Clanoutpost would like to say we are proud to have lasted how long we have and because of it we are doing a 50/50 draw. I'm sure everyone likes money and I'm sure everyone likes servers to play on so Clanoutpost is doing a 50/50 Draw. You will find all the info you need on it at our website Clanoutpost Gameserver's Website Thank you and have a great day! Devin Clanoutpost Gameservers Owner
  14. Halo Servers from $0.50 a slot now! Cogameservers is having another promo sale for the month of April. From now April 1st until April 30th with the promo code APR01 you will get 10% off any and all servers for 6 months! Don't miss out, get your server today!
  15. Starting today, March 10th for 20 days we will be running our March Frenchy promo code. 10% off all servers for 6 months with the code MF12 Come get your server today!
  16. We now offer Redirects for as low as $9.00 a month!
  17. I'm pretty sure they are Chicago since the dedibox is in Chicago. I just double checked lol. I tried several IP tracers and each tracer ends up in different parts of the USA
  18. Not always, UK players will usually have around a 200-280 ping, but thats gonna happen anyway since they are across the pond A few more days left until the Sale is over, get your server today!
  19. Forgot to mention that our gameservers are hosted in Chicago for equal ping between Canada and the United States and so the UK players don't have a really high ping
  20. Hello PBBANS members and Guests. I am proud to annouce that there is a new GSP that will be invading the Gaming land. Clanoutpost Gameservers is now online! Tired of paying too much for your servers and always having them crash and then waiting hours for them to be put back online? Well your search is over! We offer games from as low as $0.60 a slot to the more higher memory usage games for $2.80 a slot! We offer a huge variety of games and can host plenty more then what we have up on our site. We offer games from ARMA2 for as low as $2.80 a slot all the way through to Wolfenstien Enemy Territory at $0.75 a slot or the old games like Battlefield 1942 for as low as $0.60 a slot! Call of Duty servers as low as $0.75 a slot! We offer every call of duty game except Blackops and MW2 We are also doing a promo up to the end of Febuary. You get 25% off any server for 3 months with the Promo Code N3W Why wait anylonger? Come get your Gameservers today! Clanoutpost Servers Thank you and happy gaming! Devin Clanoutpost Gameservers Founder
  21. Tired of being here

  22. Just a link, 1 free server
  23. Clan outpost is now looking for sponsors. We will give the clan that is willing to sponsor us a free server only if their website meets what we call sponsor material and willing to put our site name on the server name and a banner with a little news article on your main page. Send me an X-Fire message skystriker98 if your interested.
  24. Christmas Special. -> Christmas6 <- put that code in and get $5 off your server purchase. Ends January 15th 2010
  25. We now host Dedicated Server boxes
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