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Mr Adder

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Everything posted by Mr Adder

  1. Note to all he is on a Game Server Switcher where he can have Only 1 Server running at a time. Default port that we have on our servers for BC2 are 19567 and command port of 48888 Make sure both servers are set up to stream to PBBans and you should be able to have both servers set on PBbans and when you switch between them they should auto detect the different servers and start streaming one or the other depending on which game server you are running
  2. If your server is on port 16567 then rcon port is 4711 you may have to try an perfom connection twice to get the info to run, if you cannot try and catch FPSGS|Adder on IRC and I will help you out through 2142cc
  3. Mr Adder


    Epic Fail
  4. Answered Own question, Close or delete
  5. Mr Adder

    IF a guid gets banned and it has been caused by a guid that has been leaked or stolen then the other player even though they are clean are also banned
  6. Right I have 2 legit CD Keys, One I used In the UK which is my cd Key which I can Prove, and the CD Key I used In Canada on my laptop which currently my farther has got, I have just Spoken to him and found out that he was playing call of duty 4 when he was in the US they are both legit and I am wondering how they can be leaked the first 1 I have dealt with which even though its mine is now leaked to somewhere else in world. the 2nd one now that i have found out that my farther been using it I am now like grrrr. What can i do to get our server streaming.
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