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Everything posted by HappyHarry

  1. We don't block users with a banned GUID cause they need to be able to appeal their ban or add information to their ticket. If you are sure about your accusations and you have evidence (although you are only able to see a name similar to a known cheater), why didn't you contact us in the interest of "working together"? I'll stop posting now, cause we made our point of view / request clear and secondly I'm not here to discuss things over and over again.
  2. Gladly they think about it as this thread shows. :) Anyway, we'll still suggest multi streaming to get a max of security for our admins. Our name stands for working together instead of fighting against each other. Sadly not everyone shares this attitude. @Piggy All we want is a neutral base for the community with legit arguments. It's not us who's continuously throwing dirt in public but sadly reacting like this is the only way to set things right. I would prefer different ways, too.
  3. You quoted those sentences again which were already discussed... We can't and won't accept unproven allegations in public. You don't know our system in detail, so please don't tell people stuff you aren't familiar with. This is the only reason why I answered to this post. We respect you and your work, but you have to accept others, too, even if you don't agree with their attitude.
  4. One proof for that is the past wave of fake bans. -_- http://www.ggc-stream.com/news/124/PBBans+cancels+Partnership+with+GGC
  5. To make it short: You think every server and every person is a bad one until you checked some points (which can also be faked). We trust our users until we've found negative evidence (even before they start streaming). There are always pros and cons and our attitudes won't change. All I ask for is respect and fairness.
  6. Well, it's your point of view how to deal with servers and the community. We have a different one and we are well aware of the possible risks. It's also true that we have a lot of counter-measures to protect our system and its integrity. You don't need to support our attitude but please accept it without subliminally attacking us (and other ACCs)! If i were you I wouldn't be too sure that there is no cheater / coder in your community. I've read some forums, were people claim the ownership of a PBB streamed server. As you stated yourself: no system is secure.
  7. Sad thing to see that PBBans is still attacking our and other anti-cheat projects. This shows the verisimilitude of your statement concerning the end of the partnership with GGC. @surfy PBBans got hit a lot of times (succesfully!) with fakeban attacks. Your system is vulnerable, too. @fozzer This is just - sorry - bullshit. We are running lots of background checks to ensure the quality of our service. This includes e.g. check of admins, servers, ban entries and more. Again, please PBB, stick to the truth and inform yourself before blaming others in public. This is no proper way to act with people, especially with those sharing your goal.
  8. For example one of the biggest german providers (which you know too) is restricted to one AC since BF:BC2, so please stick to the truth. I totally agree! It should have kept in private from the beginning.
  9. One of our admins posted this news like every other news from our site. This has no special reason nor the intention to make PBBans looking bad. Sadly it is a loss of security for the admins, who are restricted to only one streaming provider. Even if you multi-stream (with all possible advantages), there's always a risk, that an AC maintains there servers or gets attacked and so on....
  10. @kraxus187 You are judging about us without knowing details nor knowing our point of view. Things will clear up after our official statement. We won't comment any accusation in this kind of way.
  11. As you know, there are always two sides of the same coin. It's a sad day for the whole gaming community, cause this article is nothing more than a start of war from your side. We are really disappointed about your reaction and will comment those things from our point of view.
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