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Jombi last won the day on July 26 2014

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About Jombi

  • Birthday 12/14/1990

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    The Silent Noobs
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    Battlefield 3
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  1. They're relatively cheap, so go with 3 and stripe it.
  2. Pixel Found only means it flagged the shot for having a matching pixel color to a known cheat. This is why you need to know what cheats look like before submitting anything flagged (one of the downsides to PBScreens IMO).
  3. Not missing much with the Destiny servers being offline. The game is a major bust IMO.
  4. But.... the rep didn't say Steam was a virus...
  5. Curious as to what you get with one of the recent updates. Memory usage hasn't been that high for about 2 weeks XD.
  6. Ah. I let it sit idle for ~10 minutes and it never dropped below 600MB after those fresh scans.
  7. Curious if anyone else is having some memory issues after scanning 4-5 servers back to back. I'm up to 700MB after scanning about 10,000 screenshots total. Seems like an awful lot of memory being eaten up.
  8. Honestly, it would be a tough sell to say the first one is a cheat. It is odd that the color markers are lighter than normal, I'm not sure I've ever seen that. Either way, I'd check the rest of his shots around the same time and/or keep an eye on them in the future.
  9. Do you have a teamspeak, or another way to contact you?

  10. Normally I would agree with this, as it is an accurate statement. However, DICE doesn't have a good track record with their releases :P
  11. This game is awful. I was excited about the cops v. robbers theme, but they're trying too hard to grasp the popularity of PayDay while not doing much different from BF4. The graphics are a step down at times, the weapons need work to even get to the BF4 level of "ok", and the mechanics are gimmicky. Why can't we use the zip-line as a gun when needed? Overall, immensely disappointed. However, Destiny is out and is leaps and bounds better than either BF3 or BF4. I'll probably stick with that :)
  12. Jombi

    Anyone know C#?

    Does anyone know if a list exists that maps BF3/4 game ports to query ports or common PBSS path ports? For example: Server xxx.yyy.zzz.uuu:25020 has a pbss path port of 25021 Honestly, I don't see much logic behind the numbering system, but sometimes hosts seem to do gamePort+1 or gamePort+200. I guess what I'm looking for is if someone has a list of these numbering systems for different hosts.
  13. Yeah, unfortunately the Aussie prices are insane and pretty much always have been. Didn't GTA5 start at around $100 on release day?
  14. Anyone in the beta for this? I'd love to hook up on PSN and play with someone.
  15. Jombi

    Anyone know C#?

    Sorry, lately I've been slammed with school, work, and sleep. My tool is nearly ready for some testing, just need Singh to help me with a feature.
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