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About Slaine

  • Birthday 12/08/1971

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  1. I second that motion, good to see you back up and running again.
  2. One last pic/gif before the thread is locked and consigned to the Dustbin of Douche! Lock away chaps, lock away. :lol:
  3. I guess we wait and see how it works out on release, but this is certainly an interesting development!
  4. Someone may want to remove or edit the posted screen shot to remove the address to the cheat site that is viewable in the address bar. Don't want to be giving them any free advertisement, particularly on PBB.
  5. The clue to the problem is in the ban message itself mate, you need to take it up with the clan themselves. It looks like a local ban and as such is at the discretion of the team hosting the server, go to their website and appeal is the best you can do. Or move on and find another server, there are plenty to choose from.
  6. I second that Injun, my last preorder was BC2 (only for the beta access btw) and that was after the disaster of MW2 and Black Ops. Look how that turned out. :lol: Once bitten twice shy, and to be honest if it rolls with VAC then the game is dead competitively as a MP game as far as I and my clan are concerned. Which is a crying shame as we had our eyes on this one as something to move into after all the recent failures and near failures. I guess we just sit and wait for decent game, with decent anti cheat protection and competitive gaming in the core build, like buses we will wait for ages and two will turn up at once. At least I can hope .... B)
  7. Be a shame if it does go with VAC, this was an upcoming game my squad had its eye on after (what we considered to be) the failures of Black Ops and Medal of Honour. If it goes with VAC the squad won't want to touch it unfortunately so that will be yet another new title coming out we will have to bypass.
  8. Pretty much what I said at the time mate, nutty as a fecking fruitbat. Tin hat time everyone.
  9. So young and with a baby on the way too, truly saddening. Rest in Peace.
  10. Looks like another COD release I will be bypassing them, shame really as I had high hopes they would rectify all the mistakes of MW2. Should of known better.:(
  11. Congratulations to the PBB team and everyone involved in providing a cheat free experience across a multitude of games. Onwards and Upwards.:D
  12. Excellent news, I feel safe putting in my pre order for the game now and will more than likely be getting a BC2 server up and running for the squad shortly after release.:D
  13. Same here mate, if the game is a step backwards (like MW2) then the developers won't see a penny of my cash. Was quite awkward at Christmas when I had to tell the wife to send back the copy of MW2 she bought me but I stand by my word. I said I would boycott it and I still am. If Dice choose to shaft their consumer base like IW did, which is a shame as this was the next game for my squad after the epic fail of MW2, then so be it. They won't be seeing any of my money either, there is still life in COD4 yet and I will be quite happy to keep playing it until a decent game with all the features we are accustomed to is released. This is one consumer who won't pay full price for crappy console ports or games that remove tried and trusted features that we have used for years.
  14. The demo is scheduled for a January release I believe Drifter, cannot lay my hands on a link at present but I do recall reading about it mate.
  15. Happy holidays folks.:D
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