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Everything posted by sap

  1. sap


    lol the real think its i dont use translator ..... probably next time i will use... best idea lol
  2. sap


    yes i now but its not the same macro. you you shoot and jump same time but that didn't change the cadence of bullet. with macro mouse you can change for exemple medic: one clic 100 bullets and : - no recul - 100 bullets same place beceause the first ball you shoot is the same for the others so.......
  3. sap


    there's no such thing as a level playing field in PC games anyway because some players have better computers and graphics cards and some have faster internet connections just to name a few of the inequalities. but the difference between internet , others and vs macro mouse : the mouse you can change config for shoot 1 ball each 0,005 sec = each clic with macro = 3 to 5 bullets vs normally one. so normally the gaming you can shoot one ball per0.030. do you image the big diference . you shoot one bullet/one clic and the other person shoot 3 bullet/ one clic ( 3 ball same place) or medical with this no recul beceause one click 100 bullet same place. I think the connection or graphic card its not the same
  4. sap


    hi, the macro( person bought a mouse with ) on bfbc2 is legal or not ? for me isn't legal and i fund that : http://legal.ea.com/legal/legal.jsp?language=en 10. Rules of Conduct. You may violate the Terms of Service if you: Post, transmit, promote, or distribute Content that is illegal. Use or distribute "auto" software programs, "macro" software programs or other "cheat utility" software program or applications. i need the anwser for ban and push out one person in my clan or kept the guy. thank you
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