I acted alone here just so you know.
But I am really curious as to how you can just let someone be wrongfully banned and just say oh well.
So you're letting some guy go around and get people who haven't done anything banned for life?
Yeah, sounds like you guys are doing an awesome job.
I'm just saying I wish you guys were more just in your actions. I am very glad we have this to keep people from hacking and crap, but I mean what corrections in the system need to be made to stop injustices such as this from occuring again? It's really quite wrong.
This isn't the first time that we've had someone steal one of our names and copy it exactly, but none of US got banned for it. This guy is doing something that obviously bypassed the system and is not 'caught' as you believe.
The first half above the line "================="
is OUR guys ban page info you made.
below that is "The Idiot" who is doing all of this.
33 aliases.
again, I am acting alone here. I just want to know how you can let dumb things like this happen for being such an important system. Man.
I'm curious, what is your proof of him not somehow stealing the GUID?