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Everything posted by xX_Epidemic_Xx

  1. Currently, the beta servers are hosted by the usual game server hosts (game.co.uk, 4netplayers, and a couple of new server hosts). When the game is officially launched, the servers will have to be hosted individually, like all the other games in the BF series. You can currently pre-order a server and get 14 beta keys, which is how I got into the beta. You will need an EA account to create a soldier on Heroes, and for the banning part, there will be IP Bans, and if anyone tries to bypass the ban, he will receive a hardware ban, just like evenbalance did for warrock. I hope that I have been of some help, Oliver
  2. Hmmm....even though the guid may be a little more difficult to find, as long as it's a better way to keep hackers out, then that's what I'm gonna be looking out for then :/
  3. Well I was disappointed by the fact that people only start thinking about the consequences after they're banned from the servers, and then they take it out on the staff for doing the right thing! Anyway, let's not let regretters ruin our day. PBB is an asset to the community and I hope that it grows stronger by the day. Even though I just joined, I am a person that gives back to communities that care, and even though I'm not a specialist in technical details that makes PBBans tick, I'm trying to learn so that one day I'll be able to help members by adding Bans to the MBi lol Anyway, I hope that goals are reached faster than expected until you run out of ideas for new goals ;) Good luck PBBans
  4. :o Now they tell me that :blink:
  5. Wow I couldn't care less if anyone in my server had the same GUID at the same time. It's the Key hash that I try to take notice. Hopefully, as lucky said, re-installing should help
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