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  1. I agree the game probably won't last to long, and i have pointed out alot of this peer to peer stuff on my website's home page www.luckyassgrenades.com i took apart what they claimed and dissected it to show the truth behind it. Some of my clan members have bought it and only like it somewhat cause it is different than cod 4 but it's not gonna replace cod 4 for them.
  2. Thanks and i will look for the post tomorrow. im hitting the hay now. And no he don't have nothing to do with the clan anymore.
  3. I pay for the server and site the old url is www.luckyassgrenades.net but the new one to the same site is www.lagrules.com since he owns the other url. and if i can find the topic where he quit the clan i can link you to that also. if you need any proof just let me know. i'm always logged into xfire whether i'm here or not.
  4. well from what we see he hasn't closed his account like he said and he does not have access to our site or the server any more. here is the link to his account here. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showuser=132681 he no longer pays the server vent or anything and is not in our clan no more. iAnd it seems that he is streaming to other servers that we do not own. we only have one server. thank you for you all's time
  5. where will i find it at
  6. =LAG= Clan's ex clan leader stopped our server from streaming to pb since he is mad at us and now when i make an app to apply it says tag already in use. The server is luckyassgrenades i have checked the server to see if it's streaming on this site and it says it is and the owner is Lucky Ass Grenades (6560). CYPHER says he closed the account out the account but now no one of us has access to this. server ip is
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