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lion the tiger

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    Goblin Army
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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. I wouldn't put too much faith in any speculation along these lines unless it was officially announced.
  2. Who cares? Server administration is going to be the same clusterfuck that BFBC2 is. No access to server files means no purchase.
  3. On the plus side, this means I won't be around to cause trouble in SGA areas. haha.
  4. Hello,

    now you have a profile comment

  5. I wish they'd leave all that junk alone and let us play the game the way they originally intended and balanced it. Modifying the game from the state it was released in, who do they think they are? Dedicated server admins?
  6. Since when did it become cool to cheat/hack just because the game/developer is stupid?
  7. Just an FYI, the big petition never mentioned the word boycott.
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