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UTF_doctor who

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    United Task Force
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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. Error http://www.pbbans.com/forums/viol-9002-obsidainhookdll-len2048-bans-removed-cod4-t137398.html/page__pid__356040?do=findComment&comment=356040
  2. Hi, We rented a new server which is blacklisted from streaming. IP is It doesn't appear to be on the MPI. Any thoughts?
  3. Someone who owned that product key before you got caught hacking and is now banned. The GUID comes from the product key. Therefore the GUID/product key and ban will forever be linked. That's why you buy legit copies of the game. It doesn't matter if you bought it in good faith or patched it, what matters is that someone else out there has/had that product key and got caught cheating. Evenbalance doesn't need to apologize as their product worked perfectly here. It's not banning you, it's banning the GUID that came from that product key. GGC/PBBans is simply enforcing the ban on servers that choose to stream to them. Think about it this way: If they unban the GUID, the person who had that product key (and still has it written down somewhere for sure) and did cheat would be free to keep cheating.
  4. A well known abuser of the game got your CD key (ban link). That CD key has been used all over the world. If you bought it from an online site, buy it from a reputable source instead. If you didn't, do what Injuneer said, as you likely have some nasty software on your computer. Either way, the ban won't be lifted, as there would be nothing to stop the hacker from continuing to do so once it was. Solution is to buy a new copy of the game from a reputable dealer, and scan your computer for malware if needed.
  5. I see you......Im not looking in that window, you better check the "other" window.

  6. This looks like the GUID you're playing under is here. There is a ban under for CoDiamonds here, but it's for a different name and different IP from the ones listed under your current GUID.
  7. Another thread with poll at G4 forums: Link Edit: this thread is for Attack of the Show idea topics. Might be the best chance of getting this some TV time.
  8. I know what he says...Der Untergang is a great movie, but this is done in jest, just another internet meme. No offense is meant. :) But back on topic, the more people that cancel the preorders, the more that IW/Activsion will feel it. Sure we are a small segment, but at what point does the potential profit from PC gamers exceed the cost of giving us dedicated servers (and Punkbuster)? 60,000 lost sales x $60= $3.6 million
  9. Signed, and posted for my clanmates to do so as well.
  10. What's the possibility of someone creating the files for a dedicated server?
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