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  1. i dont cry about a keylogger or about some viruses on my pc, i know how to check my pc for viruses etc... i play online games since 2000 (for about 9 years), and this is the first time and i hope the last time. the point that makes me mad is: to buy a new game. the cheater who played with my key can also use your key too, pb tracks everything: the time, the ip adress, the game, the server... but still doesnt work fine. anyway the game producers make their profit.
  2. hi, do i have a chance that they unban my pb-guid (not global ban) if my cd-key was stolen by a person who cheated with it? i am from germany and someone from great britain played and cheated last year (Oct 2008) with my cd-key. i have no idea how he get my cd-key, i think with a keygen or something like that. and now my guid is in the MBI with a multihack violation, they closed my appeal without reading the content of it. they didnt check the ip-adresses. nothing. i dont really want to buy a game, because of an anticheat tool, because #2 that is not fair. and to the people who dont have compassion, i dont really need your compassion, BUT it can happen to YOU too!!! this isnt what anti cheat tools are for. i dont want to know how many players are banned like this, but if we all dont say or feedback anything about it, tools wont work as intended. cu sometime on the MBI
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