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Everything posted by McParts

  1. It sure looks nice, but for me the ultimate FPS game will always be Call of Duty 1 where guns had recoil and were specific to teams with no customizations or unlockables....
  2. That's the perfect solution, tried it myself and had no problems.
  3. Tried the singleplayer and didn't like it at all tbh. Story wasn't that interesting, didn't work properly, found many missions and other stuff very similar from previous Call of Duty games. Awful game, glad i didn't spent a dime on it
  4. Thats nothing. you can still see the keyboard and mouse so it's still workable... When the mess starts to block your screen and it's hard to get to your pc let me know. Oh and btw I still use XP...
  5. Reading this topic I'm a happy man... didn't buy the game and not about to either. Nothing surprising really... just as I thought - FUBAR like MW2 with exception of dedicated servers (dedicated to hackers that is...).
  6. Basically the idea is quite good but unfortunately the MPi isn't that reliable. It's possible that in the MPi it shows wrong GUIDs for player thru linked IPs.
  7. A lot easier way to do this is with CoD Rcontool Open up Messaging Center and do automessages with time and then set them as pb task.
  8. Processor: Intel® Core2 Duo CPU E7300 @ 2.66GHz (2 CPUs) Gfx Card: GeForce 9600 GT Motherboard: Gygabyte GA-G33M-S2L Memory: 2GB Monitor 1: Samsung 19" Monitor 2: TV 42" Mouse: MX Revolution Keyboard: LX 710 Cordless Keyboard Hard Drive: 2+TB
  9. polegi ainuke siin :)

  10. Ok thanks. I'll post how it goes here. :) McParts
  11. Hello I am planning to reinstall my CoD WaW and I would like to know is: Can backing up and using old profile again cause any problems? Regards, McParts
  12. Certainly a lot of people will appreciate this. Honest players who got unbanned what should they do now, how can they avoid this happening again? Regards, McParts
  13. Hi I got global ban for the same thing today. I have submitted appeal to evenbalance. I have done nothing wrong only thing differing from the original game are few mods and maps I have downloaded. So how and why did punkbuster ban me? Thanks to my recorded demos at least 2 cheaters have been caught and I find it very offensive that now I'm in the same list as the rest of them. Waiting for response. Thanks in advance McParts
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