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About Hayling

  • Birthday 02/22/1988

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    West Indies

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  1. EA wisely keeps punkbuster as it always has been. Looking forward to it.
  2. All it takes is a mod community to fix a game that should have "set the world on fire" supposedly by the said publisher. Three years later Activision zipped alterIW.net operations isn't that a shame. :(
  3. I don't see Wolfenstein 2009 at all viable since the leaked beta before the game's launch. Without mod support the game is also a factor. The game was broken since the leak. The game failed to impress anyone after a couple of weeks. It make sense for Evenbalance to drop support as there's no one playing this game. Only one ban in MBi.
  4. Right now there are all sorts of problems not being able to change fov, fps, packets and the list goes on. It feels like MW3 is a rehash of MW2 with no changes. It's like being given just new maps, skin and no improvements. I pictured EA Games really and truly won the ware and not Activision for the 2011 best FPS game of the year. COD is officially dead for me after MW3. The final nail the coffin cover has been struck. :( BF3 + Customer Support + PB + PBBANS + Donuts = Sweetest Victory + $60 bucks And I wish you all a safe and Merry Xmas to PBBANS from Hayling. :)
  5. PB and VAC now that's how a developer gives Anit-cheat options to the community. Wish you guys at PBBANs and the guys at Evenbalance all the best. :D Hayling
  6. I'm not spending $60.00 on MW2. If they didn't release some form of patch including the dedicated server option/module. The Great Petition has 106k Signatures and climbing.
  7. So far, there's no demo or beta.
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