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=BoX= walkerschlumpf

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Everything posted by =BoX= walkerschlumpf

  1. Servus, habe ein Problem was ggc betrifft. Kurz zur Geschichte. Wurde vor kurzem auf einem deutschen Stammserver wegen Cheatverdacht gebannt und die Demo wurde eingeschickt. Nun wurde ich tats
  2. This would be interesting for me too. I had the same on but what could you do you have no guid to ban on the ss.
  3. Ah ok thanks. I did not consider the no fog bug. And yeah I understand that you wanna make sure nobody gets accidently banned.
  4. Hello ladies and gentleman, I hope it is the right section. I have a question to your policy about sending ss. Why is it necessary to have two dirty ss from a player who is hacking? Dont get me wrong I would understand when it is not clearly to see the hack cause it is just not fair to ban the guy but when it is obvisious and you can clearly see the hack why you need two dirty ss. Sorry but I can
  5. Hey guys, I hope this is the right forum. This is my first post so. I am admin (no streaming admin) in our clan server so I use this site very often. There is a little but annoying problem which I have by searching the MPL. In the last time to 85% it comes to invalid security code entered. When there is a a, p, q or sth. it is 100% that I get no access. So my question is does it belongs to firefox an add on or sth. similar? Sometimes it must go quick and I have really no time to enter the code like 5 times for a hit. So I hope someone can help me.
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