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(FG) mastermc0

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(FG) mastermc0 last won the day on October 15 2010

(FG) mastermc0 had the most liked content!

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About (FG) mastermc0

  • Birthday 12/26/1991

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    Forsaken Gaming
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    Battlefield 3
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  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. Welcome back all and good job PBBans staff for getting everything back online again so quickly.
  2. Provided they are using the same EA GUID then yes.
  3. I thought DICE/EA said they had a fix for the PBSS issue... Or have they just not implemented it in the beta?
  4. http://www.steamcalculator.com/id/mastermc0 And I can assure you I never spent that much to buy them...
  5. Great news lets hope DICE give the same support as they did with BFBC2 and we should have a solid streaming system at release.
  6. I'm sure as PB is confirmed for BF3 provided there are no issues with PB integration it will be supported. I'm sure MaydaX will update everyone once this has all been confirmed.
  7. Well as all the passwords are linked to the same EA account I'd reccomend that people reset their EA passwords. I did wonder why it was telling me my password wasn't recognised...
  8. Hello. I have tried for the second time this week to get a new account submissions to get my server streaming. Twice the demand was denied for the following reason:"Viewable roster not found.8 pages of registered forum users is not a roster."Could you take a look by clicking at the "EQUIPE SMPX" mention and reconsider our demand. Give me back an answer after.Best reguards

  9. The answer to your question is brand name. People bought into the brand, I'd expect most of those sales were made early on before people realised how much of a disappointment the game was.
  10. It's good to have the forums back. Nice work on getting it all up and running so quickly MaydaX. Three cheers for the PBBans Staff :ok::rockon:
  11. Where's my free PS3 copy for buying it on PC? :P
  12. Sure you've got the timezone set correctly?;)
  13. Possibly ask your GSP to give you a new IP. It basically means that that IP address has been used by a player in the past. Staff should be able to give you more info and help :)
  14. Which browser are you using? I know I have issues under FF 4 Beta on all builds. Try using IE8 with the latest Java updates should work. (Yes I realise IE isn't a great browser before anyone says but it works for things like this :P)
  15. Joining in the snow picture theme one from my garden not long ago. (Excuse the poor photography) IMG_0088 by grant.mastermc0, on Flickr
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