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Giteen7 last won the day on January 19 2010

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  1. I'm geeked! (Our community pre-ordered BC2 servers awhile ago)
  2. *crawls across floor* ... *gasp*need... guidtracker...*cough* It's Feb 2!
  3. I need an update PartyPooper! I check this topic every day for v4.
  4. For developers only: Here ya go! Kaspersky Whitelist
  5. I hate to accuse, so I won't... but I also have a CONFIRMED (not suspect) case of "HACKTOOL.WIN32.KISER.FB" according to Kaspersky AV. This is occurs when the program downloads and then attempts to "Load Database". It is also consistent. My question to PartyPooper is what might you have changed serverside for version 4 that causes this, if a false positive? See attached pic below.
  6. Wow, cool. This will come in handy for sure!
  7. I have long had the idea that maybe down the road, PBB could become an IE "search provider", as seen with Google and other search engines in the browser. This would enable a quick MPi/MBi search at any time. The current problem with this is that PHP is used, so it would be up to PBB to make this work (as opposed to a user making their own search add-on with the online tool). Heck, take this to another level, make a stand alone IE add-on, with quick login and settings. ^^Seen here is the default IE search. How about a PBB search!?
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