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Everything posted by redalert

  1. thanks pisi-deff
  2. thanks roadwarrior have another question for u about something that happened tonite. its about the md5 tool thingy . im 110% that the person concerned is not a cheat but they were kicked for 2 minutes for this md5 tool queries and some of the posts i have read about the md5 thing say it is a cheat. any ideas if this is a cheat or can it b something else. VIOLATION (IGNORING QUERIES) Kick Command Issued (Ignoring MD5Tool Queries) that is wot it says on the game server file when i went to check wot had happened to this player. but for the last 2 nites pb has been kicking ppl of the server in fact it emptied the server by kicking 23 ppl in 1 go. thanks
  3. thanks big-guy21
  4. hi could some 1 tell me what a game hook is. pb keeps kicking some1 for this and i assume it is a cheat of some sort but i dont know for sure. i checked his guid and it seems to b banned here for game hook. thanks
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