I to would like a explaination of the reason why gun is not showing. High resolution as the excuse doesnt make any sense. I run in high resolution and whenever a screen shot is taken, it not only shows the person the player is seeing, but its also shows part of my gun.
The only thing Ive seen PBBANS keep saying is, it's a " clean screen shot". But without any explanation.
It seems to me, that instead of slamming peopleand calling them names, PBBANS would want to be more helpful and offer explanations or reasons. Definetly not proffessional.
I also notice that PBBANS deleted the link to the site that explains the multi=hack....why?
I've noticed from my own experience, that when you screen shot a player, the screen shot shows exactly what the player is seeing, and after seeing that screen shot....i to wonder, why isnt there any parts of the screen shot of the player showing, ie: the end of his gun.
As far as one of your people saying a third person view would not help them in COD, well, i have to disagree. It gives them the chance to look around tight corners on the outside and theres a lot of tight corners on the outside.
So maybe without the high and mighty attitude thats been dispalyed, someone at PB can give a better reason or guidance.