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Everything posted by mkakrid

  1. I do apologize if any members of my site come up here and start stuff. It seems that like you guys I can't control my people either. I actually don't mind your site and have learned a couple of things from the information center area in the past. Couple of things. 1. Madkarma, that pic was not full screen just like they said. 2. As I said in my email to Ace(after he posted on our forum), Saben wasn't just banned for that screenshot. 3. Saben, at no time did I ever say I would be sending anything to PB. Your another one that needs to get your facts straight. Sorry for sidetracking the topic a little bit but the other thread that was started(which I just found out about today) was locked. I do have a question about the hires screenshots though. Would it be better to have 600x410 at SS rate 3 as the standard instead of 320x240 1, or do you think the image quality would be too poor with rate that high?
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