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Everything posted by Valleyhunter

  1. Like it very much. Nice, clean and smooth. GWF's.
  2. As they appear to be "catering" to pc gamers with this news release I decided to enter the Assasins Creed Network. A place for "community events, clan and your profile". Fail? LOL
  3. PC OPEN BETA PB is installed by default - and then comes up with an error. The game does not yet exist in the dropdown PB client menu. Ignore for now or what do you guys recommend?
  4. Dunno where to post this, but I've come across this great indie game which will have dedicated servers, called Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad. Looking at the list of features I think this could well turn out to be a stonker of a game when it is released. I mean: dedicated servers, Console dev and modtools just for starters. So, could you confirm or deny please, if this is coming your way? Will PBbans be supporting this? I'd be more than a little pleased and it would indeed make the list of + items for this game only one point longer, but a most important point for me and a large amount of gamers out there in the blue yonder. For anyone unaware of this game, just check out this pc preview to start with: http://www.strategyinformer.com/pc/redorchestra2heroesofstalingrad/previews.html For even more on the game + discussions about it, go to BASHandSlash and check out the Crosshairs' section. .
  5. the wisdom of paperclips

  6. Hi there mate. Nice to see you on here.

  7. Wow. I am well impressed. They are listening and monitoring! Progress in the free world! Thank you DICE. It warms my heart to see this. Yes, there are still some issues to be sorted or perhaps clarified, but there is no doubt you are at least listening. <bows>
  8. If it is still an option, xfire me pls: valleyhunter. website etc. below.
  9. FIX IT! But then again, it probably is by now...or not? :jam:
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