Its good to have you back guys !!
Thx for your continuous drive and effort to keep servers clean from cheaters and hackers !!
We made a 50 dollar donation to support you guys.
Kind regards,
= Live today, await tommorow, remember yesterday =
Due to a crash our server was offline for a few days. Server has been repaired (IP and reinstalled. We wanne stream our server again but its on inactive. We have put the streaming hub info in to our server cfg but its not working yet. Can someone (of the staff) help us with this problem.
Thx & regards,
I have questions regarding sv_cvar settings for our clan servers. Our servers are streaming with pbbanns and we also want implement the default (console) cvar settings. Our objective is that no player is able to change these settings (for example a higher fps) when they join our servers. Only default settings are allowed and we want that cvar is scanning these settings?
Could someone help us with this issue or a cvar list.
=|MP|= clan