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Everything posted by Kalin

  1. i couldnt find the demo folder i made a folder for it didnt work i tried that programme in this post it worked but the video wont open when i try to
  2. Can anyone help please?
  3. i cant open it for some reason ( The Video ) i click Open but nothing comes up No-one replying anymore? :unsure: :(
  4. hmm ok i made the video "Demos" in the "Main" folder of Call Of Duty 4, but it still does not work Is it in the right spot? If it is ill have to try that programme you put.
  5. Hmm i created "Demo" Folder but still not saving it there. Do i need the "Call Of Duty 4" Disc in the machine for it to save?
  6. In main it just has files i cant open, and a file called "Videos" But the files in there i cant open either
  7. Ok so i recorded something on Call Of Duty 4 using the console command /record and then /stoprecord But when i go to the Call Of Duty 4 file in my c: it doesnt have the "Demo" file? Would there be somewhere els it would of saved
  8. Kalin


    so people who use's hacks would only get the GUIDbanned?
  9. Kalin


    well do you know if they ban just your account? Or your activation key too
  10. Kalin


    Oh right i thought this was the Main PB lol
  11. Kalin


    Ok so i play this server that ive seen people get banned quite a few times by PB, And nearlly everyday i see someone getting banned, I was just wondering does PB Only ban your account? Or the whole Game/Your Activation Key?
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