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Everything posted by millerq3

  1. Thanks for your reply RoadWarrior. What effect does setting 7200 to 3600, does it ping the server more often and as such advices its keep alive streaming? Also tried a number of thing to eradicate the ^7 ^5 to no-avail so MaydaX wisdom or others would be much appreciated Cheers Miller ps. The streaming is excellent.You are unsung heroes in the war against cheats.Respect
  2. id 8911 forum id 146849 Hi We run a Quake Wars server thats streamed via PBBan.Generally its runs without a glitch but can someone point me in the direction on the following issues:- Seams once we have enabled the Hub we have to go back to the HUb console, after around 30 mins, to restart streaming again. Also weve enabled greeting message but as u can see we get some unwanted numbers ^7 & ^5 before the message Sorry if it is something simple but i dont want to tamper with areas that may upset the streams were getting :) Thanks Miller
  3. Thanks for such a quick reply Tried through windows without any success. Installed firefox without problem and now showing PBBans hub All i need now is were do i find the Rcon password cause im thick (so the wife says anyway) Again many thanks Miller
  4. Sorry to post what many have already asked but i seam to problem streaming. Can you tell me whether the server as been approved, it goes through Multiplays Clanforge Forum ID 146849 Ive rcon pb_sv_uconlist and received back correct information If you require any further info please dont hesitate in asking Miller http://www.clanaardvark.proboards.com/index.cgi multiplay server
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