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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. It's funny they claim that multiplayer is "free" with every purchase of Black Ops, yet this could be the direction of the next one. We have heard this rumor before. The way it keeps returning, I am afraid it will be true. There is no way I will ever pay a monthly fee for a game that has become such a failure compared to its predecessors.
  2. Wow
  3. Seems like that's all that matters anymore. I would rather have control of a bit more stuff and not have a ranked server, but all everyone wants to do is go online and see how their stats compare to everyone else. I blame the consoles for doing this to us.
  4. For all the griping I have already done about Black Ops, I will probably be wasting my $60 to buy it. It may be fun for a few months. Even though there is no pb, I still think I will buy it, and play it until VAC fails at getting the large numbers of hackers out of it. The big disappointment for me is the 18 slots. When WaW first came out we had a 50 slot server that was full 23 hours a day. Playing 9v9 seemed empty, now that will be a full server. I'm hoping that BF3 will have more than 18/24/32 slots for the server. The good old days of a 64 slot server is probably a thing of the past. The only game I have any real hope for is RO2.
  5. So far I like it. I didn't play BC2, so I have nothing to compare it to.
  6. I see this one bringing outrage from both the left and the right, if it would ever get that far. Congress has a great ability to argue a lot and accomplish nothing. The idea is outrageous, but I'm not going to lose sleep over the idea yet.
  7. RO2 looks very promising. I will be buying it. If it is like the first one, it will be thru steam using VAC.
  8. If I am reading this right, everything is the same as in MW2, except they have a dedicated server you can rent. They obviously still missed the point of a dedicated server. This is what is going to keep happening if the only new games coming out are console ports with a few tweaks to be able to use a keyboard/mouse.
  9. It sounds so simple. Hopefully they will just do it this time around.
  10. This actually sounds promising.
  11. Sounds like a desperate attempt on the part of EA to sell MoH.
  12. Odds are increasing for joining the MBi.
  13. I would suggest first figuring out how much money you can afford to spend each month. A "good" dedicated box is going to start out at probably $175 a month or more. When you figure out how much money you can spend, then look in that price range. My advice is buy more than you need, because you will need it in the future. Also, get more than just a few ips as well. One big benefit of a dedicated box is you can run TS or Vent from your box, makes it easier. We use Wolfservers. They have good uptime, decent rates, customer service is decent. Only complaint that I have is their billing department seems to be messed up a lot. They keep sending messages saying payment was never received. Just a minor problem to deal with on a monthly basis.
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