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Freakzter last won the day on May 31 2012

Freakzter had the most liked content!


About Freakzter

  • Birthday 06/27/1991

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  1. As I wanted to play with a friend of mine we tried to play via LAN, but that didn't work. So far I have: - managed to manually patch it without the need of the patch server - allowed everything in the firewall for the game Is there any way to make the game ignore the server check and start LAN without the needs of internet access? Maybe creating an own server where it checks for patches, port fixes e.g.
  2. Thread title leads directly to the tool, should be edited.
  3. The user.cfg is forbidden in the ESL, it might have been a server which is used for matches.
  4. BF3 Singleplayer, Campo
  5. ccount ID: 7007 Name: Zockertempel Deutschland Tag: ZTD Website: http://www.zockertempel-deutschland.de Error Code: Account Suspended Der ehemalige Masteruser odin750 hat den Clan verlassen, desweiteren wurde der alte BF2 Server f
  6. That server doesn't stream.
  7. The last Battlefield i have seen was Battlefield 2. I don't know at all how they can call the games after that battlefield any more.
  8. Still 49,99
  9. http://www.db.ripe.net/whois?form_type=simple&full_query_string=&searchtext= This is absolutely no data center range.
  10. aimbot while using mobile aa... oO

  11. I like those threads, funny to get up in the morning and first thing to read is something like this.
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