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About teK{UK}

  • Birthday 11/14/1987

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  • Interests
    Soldier Of Fortune 2
  • Location
    Newcastle, England

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  1. Try and CHMOD the admin file to 777 on the server and see if that makes a difference. The file might not be writeable..
  2. Camping? Probaly a few flag defends :P
  3. Np, you can also download the PBSetup file.. Windows PBSetup Linux PBSetup Mac PBSetup
  4. Try something like this.. Pb_sv_task 10 600 "pb_sv_bindsrch +movedown" Pb_sv_task 30 600 "pb_sv_bindsrch +leanleft" Pb_sv_task 50 600 "pb_sv_bindsrch +leanright"Put that into your pbsvuser.cfg and restart PB on your server. You'll have to have PBB var logging on, then go through your PB log files and look for what it finds.. It will find all the keys/binds with those values in them :)
  5. Saying as the ban is lifted and you posted about getting the GUID auth arror, bring down your console before you enter the game and type /pb_cdkeyver then try joining a server.Might help :)
  6. Well i'll rephrase what i said haha, i've never seen a european league that bans for crouch lean scripts :P
  7. It's not cheating and no leagues ban for it.. however you can do bind searches for the actions in use and ban them on your own server if you feel the need.
  8. bind KEY "rcon pb_sv_getss"
  9. Could always try good ol SoFFiles
  10. May i ask what the hell he was thinking was gonna happen? :) You don't just type "model 6" into your console for no reason yes?
  11. Map glitching... you just get a boost and jump over a wall for that. Not very keen on that map for all the camping it produces.
  12. We just got an old clan leader of that clan in my current SoF2 clan :) *Spot*
  13. Vatos Locos?
  14. teK{UK}


    On the pbbans channel on quakenet, the challen has 20+ people in
  15. They didn't give any info cause they thought that's what he wanted :P I'm sure if he wanted info they would be happy to give him that info but not by posting it in a public forum :)
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