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Everything posted by giunuz

  1. i think promodlive2 should restrict cvars values to "legal" ones. well, these servers are not mine, i had screenshots from the admins. I'd like to know: is it possible to be a bug affecting two different players on two different servers?? or is fairly possible to be a cvar hack?
  2. well, you can use the PB message center. in the server.cfg file add (at the very end of the file) the following line exec msg2.cfg and save it. Then create a new file in the folder "main" of the Game Server. Actually i don't remember where to place this file. Try this way and if doesn't work put the file in "main/pb" path. Name it as msg2.cfg and edit it with notepad. Write the following in that file pb_sv_taskempty pb_sv_task 15 60 "<*nextmap*>" the two numbers are in seconds. The first is the time before appearing the message, and the second is the time to restart the message rotation. With this values the first message appears 15 seconds after the map is loaded, and it reappears after 60 seconds. Obviously you can change the values as you want. Save the file and restart the server. It should work :)
  3. do your server runs promodlive2 (any version)?
  4. Hi all, i found this screen: where are the desktops with all the computers? Really weird, do you think so? well, another screen of the SAME PLAYER taken during a tournament match and another one, taken during the same match, but this is ANOTHER PLAYER of the same clan:"A objective" disappeared?? o_O Somewhere i've read there was a script to make invisible object. that was the reason because mp_vacant was excluded from ESL tournament map pool. Someone can help me please? I should consider it as a cheat or it's just a pbss bug?
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