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Everything posted by Raquel

  1. So i'll have to look for my own GUID in my server logs ? :mellow:
  2. Thanks! I managed to find multiplay rcon port, i used the web tool and in the end it said smth like "no errors during set up and it appears the server is streaming" so i guess thats done ? is there any way of checking it ? I'll apply for streaming admin asap, where can i find my GUID ? sorry for the noobness :lol:
  3. uh i keep trying to follow this tutorial: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html#bc2rcon (clanforge) but every command i try to issue i only get unknown command :\ and yes, server is running PB
  4. I keep getting connection refused with multiplay server using port 48888 and yes the server is up :X
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