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Everything posted by sUNBLAST

  1. Black Ops seems cool. Wasn't happy with MW2, got boring fast for me, no dedi servers. Also when it released, PC version was about 44 euros in the german store. On other consoles like PS3 or xBox it was for 60 bucks. Also on steam they sold the PC edition for 60 bucks.. and with a delay of 2 days.. (no comment :x) So Black Ops sounds cool, dedi server support, will watch the reviews.. But ye the makers aren't the guys from Infinity Ward (most of them got fired :o, and made some other 'label').. the makers of it were the same who made cod 5, 3, 1.. All these games were the second world war etc. So this should be the first 'future war release' of them. (Treyarch or so they are called) So it might be not such a big revolution though.. might be.. But ye if it will be available again for 44/45 euros.. and will be looking like a CoD4 modification instead a MW2 one, i will definately buy it :) And i hope i didn't spread out some wrong info here though ^^
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