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EO2 last won the day on October 13 2013

EO2 had the most liked content!

About EO2

  • Birthday 01/04/1974

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    Nash-Vegas, TN

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    North American Malitia
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    Americas Army Proving Grounds
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  1. OMG that is hilarious!
  2. EO2


    Thank you!!!
  3. EO2


    Oh...the main reason I want it changed is because NMCB24 was decommissioned last month ( ) and no longer exists....FYI
  4. EO2


    EO2 is fine
  5. EO2


    Just like my sig...that is my game name "EO2(SCW)" For those who don't know what that means: Equipment Operator 2nd Class Petty Officer - SeaBee Combat Warfare Specialist Not that it really matters to anyone not a Bee....but you got it anyway :fryingpan:
  6. EO2


    Is there a link, or specific forum that you are to use to request a name change? Just curious... Thanks!!
  7. Like pipes said, if you search an IP (provided you have the account to do that here) in the MPi, it will show who has used that IP and if it is associated with a ban. Now the thing you have to keep in mind, is that IPs swap around quite a bit and can go to many different players. So the key is to look at any ban in question and then get the information on the ban...like the date, time, server and so on. Now take that information and look to see if the player in question actually was using the IP at the time of the ban. Just because a player has used an IP that has a ban associated with it, does not mean they have cheated, it is just a stroke of bad luck for him.
  8. I am required by Navy Instruction to get the Flu shot every year. They do the live virus where you sniff it up each nostril, and if you don't...they will process you out of the Navy. I got a little sick a few years ago from it, but this year didn't have any complications or side affects. I don't have an issue with it, seems like too many people are paranoid now days anyway. It is your choice (unless you are in my situation), and you can make that decision for yourself.
  9. Welcome back guys!
  10. Merry Christmas
  11. americas army was bad about having SS's with the crosshair looking like that...clean SS in my opinion
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