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Everything posted by GREVEN

  1. Hi Live streaming on twich -tv with obs program. plz check it out my live stream are at http://www.twich.tv/vsop_greven Have a nice day :party0049:

    lo life

    Ni som fuskar är några sopor.Och kommer aldrig att bli bra på spelet . ni är bara lo life of the day. Ni kan inget. utom att fuska You who cheat are some garbage.Och will never be good at the game. you are just lo life of the day. You can noting. except to cheat
  3. oki doki, yeah I hope they have to pay dearly .I personally think they should not be able to play some of their games.and new games that are attached to an email account. should not be able to play
  4. Hello. we are a few around the 45/50 + in my clan and we discuss relating to all the cheaters who have been caught. ( Question) need them to get a new e-mail in order to play, and what happens if those pre-paid BF 4. (Question 2) if they have one lr ten games. can they be allowed to play on secure servers if they get stuck on bf3 with cheating let's say they have cheated on BC2 and then going to play bf3. Now when the many are caught will only increase, and we suspect some who cheat even if we have to report them. so we talk in ts and after that I'll check your page everyday so figured I throw in a question . we hope so that they can not use their email and they play on secure servers. so you do not have them. Thanks from Clan Calvados
  5. LMAO the you get caught and get banned
  6. I can not really understand. desire to cheat. 1. You want to play 2nd buy cheats so that others are making money (and cheating the manufacturer just laugh at you and make money on you) 3rd caught and get banned 4. then not be able to play and get to buy new games for expensive dollar.och might get your ip banned with, so you have swapped internet provider 5th For what??? 6.Too people to think you are good although you are a loser and can not handle a game 7. And then it does not seem like you can handle any game, not even Ludo 8 of the final sitting there with an empty wallet and no game and is a big sweep jag kan inte riktigt förstå .viljan att fuska. 1. Du vill spela 2. köpa fusk så att andra tjänar pengar ( Och fusk till verkaren bara skrattar åt dej och tjänar pengar på dej ) 3. åka fast och bli bannad 4. sen inte kunna spela och få köpa nytt spel för dyra dollar.och kanske få din ip bannad med ,så du måste bytta internet leverantör 5. För vad ????? 6.För folk ska tycka du är bra fast du är en sopa och inte klarar av ett spel 7. Och då verkar det inte som ni klarar något spel, inte ens fia med knuff 8 till slut sitter du där med tom plånbok och inget game och är en stor sopa . Я не могу понять. желание обмануть. 1. Вы хотите играть 2-й купить читы, чтобы другие делают деньги (и обманывает производитель просто смеяться над вами и зарабатывать деньги на вас) 3-й поймали и получить бан 4. то не сможет играть и получать покупать новые игры для дорогих dollar.och могли бы получить Ваш IP запрещены с, так что вы поменялись интернет-провайдера 5-й За что?? 6.Слишком люди думают, что вы хороший, хотя вы неудачник и не может справиться с игрой 7. И тогда это не кажется, что вы можете справиться с любой игрой, даже не Людо 8 финала сидел там с пустым бумажником и никакие игры и большой стреловидности.
  7. thanks for the quick reply.
  8. Hey. I think you are doing a fantastic job on PBbans. I just cuddle for every one how get busted I check how many numnutts that have been caught cheating. But I hope you can catch those before they come in to any server and destroys the days of many who play seriously because it's fun and want to avoid cheaters. But now to my question? will not stop the cheaters to continue to play? and are not their acc banned in every game they have . in my opinion, to stand any costly to try to play with cheats , you have a game or 10 games, all their games would be banned to Them for life. one who has been been caught cheating and when i was locking for one that has ben caught 07:03 2012. whit PbSS ( ESP HACK ) and then he was still playing still and, got busted again for the same reason 07:12 2012 PBSS (ESP HACK ) and to my surprise I see that he has been going there again for the same reason 07:16 2012 PB SS ( ESP HACK And I have had many servers both BC2 and some CZ servers and have never seen anything that anyone could play on the same Acc again and specifically are not having such a good evidence .so howe is that possib?. and then i lock in to that bys acc When I check his BF3 page, I found that from 07: 18 2012 about lunch time today, he has been playing again? and according to your own side, he is banned?? how is this only possible? It is supposed to cost, if you have 10 games should not be able to play somewhere even on unprotected serves like this dudde. Karpuhin_Msk link . http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-acac83d4-vb270090.html but we hope you some day can caught cheaters before it joins a server, so you do not need them right away. you could not get a better support from dice to stitch back the cover. guess it can not be that hard, but just a question of will. and good programming. for one can make a stand big games you can sew again for cheating. I'm old at age 50 when I was growing up you had to learn not to cheat in Monopoly Wbr Clan Calvados Calvados_GREVEN
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