I submited a ticket for this problem over a week ago.
I got that exact same message.
"Join a PB server, and drop the console with ~, then type
pb_logtofile 1
and then
Wait until you get kicked. Now check your ..\pb folder for a file called pbcl.log If you have hidden your file extensions, please make sure you open pbcl.log and not pbcllog.cfg! or pbcl.db Paste the line from there into a new note.
Please note: Users of Windows Vista and above will find that file under "C:\Users\[YourUserName]\AppData\Local\PunkBuster\[game]\pb". To find that folder, enter "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\PunkBuster\" to the navigation bar in your Windows Explorer, as some folders in this path might be hidden folders. Unless you activated the option to see hidden folders, you will need to enter the correct path directly into the navigation bar.
In case the kick occurs too fast to type the commands, go to your PB folder and create a plain text file "pbcl.cfg" in it (use a text editor like "Notepad", make sure it has no additional '.txt' extension). Put the text "pb_logtofile 1" as a single line to it. Then save the file and join a PB enabled server. After getting kicked, you should have a file "pbcl.log" in the PB folder."
I posted the log.
That was six days ago.
No reply, not even to say they are working on it..
Submiting a ticket does not seem to help at all.
Their last update messed things up.
Everyday there are more threads started on more forums about this problem.
The problem is not at the players end, it is a problem with PB and their last update.
This is happening everywhere. People are being kicked two or three or four at a time.
I have not played a game since the update that has not ended with me being kicked for this 9014.
Pb has messed this up, and I see no mention anywhere that they are taking responsibilty for it, or that they are working on a solution.