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Everything posted by spudsnsox

  1. Do they host Blaze or something? They also were one of like 3 hosts allowed to offer early server preoders. They initially offered $1 a slot and now its $2 a slot. I don't know anyone who uses them so I'm not sure how they're still a host.
  2. Never mind I found it, thank you.
  3. Do you have to have an account? That link redirects me to https://clients.fragnet.net/cart.php where it doesn't say anything about BF4.
  4. I can't seem to find this 90 cent a slot price on FragNet's website. I only see .85 Euros.
  5. Gameservers.com's pricing is pretty good. I've had decent luck with their Chicago location.
  6. Don't look at their "exotic location" pricing, I about fell out of my chair.
  7. Gameservers offers game servers in Madrid. I think they are the only one on the list though.
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