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Everything posted by m1kLa

  1. OK, tnx alot I will try this :D
  2. I have all requirements for clan account exept webpage!! ok, and i need to have clan webpage, rosters on it end ect.....??
  3. TNX alot m8 And can i have account without entering clan or clan website?? because i dont have it :( And i dont know how to create website and rosters and that stuffs!!! , i just wonna to have pbbans to stream my server!! Is that possible?
  4. Hi, I got a few quetions about streaming!!! 1. Can a have two streaming AC organisation on my server??? My server is streamed on gv and a wonna to be streamed on pbbans also!! I wonna stream to pbbans but im scared to owerrite the other AC organisation pbsv.cfg Is there a some FAQ for that? And aslo a wonder, is it necessary to have Sreamnig application(streaming account on pbbans) for pbban to stream my server, or is enough to only stream my server without streaming account??? Ty alot xD
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