why do you people make it impossible for regular people to get pbbans? i purchased a RANKED 32 slot server on 10/29/10 on my own. as of now its ranked 38 in the world in gametracker wit over 9400+ players visited so far. im constantly pestered by retards who join my server askin me why i dont have streaming bans. theres really no point in explaining it to them as they wont understand that you people have so many unnecessary requirements, ie- forums, rosters, etc, apparently having a highly trafficked server up isnt enough... Most people have lives which consist of jobs, gf's, wives, kids, etc or simply put they are like me, a person that just comes online to game, not try to make tons of virtual friends, people i would never see nor care to meet... Ive played on a few of the top servers in the world and i cant say im suprised that even they dont have pbbans running. im sure as soon as an admin reads this it will get locked or deleted and who knows maybe it will go so far that i will get banned from the forums, but that would only prove my point. i truly hope a new organization comes along and replaces you people. even if i have to pay a small fee for their service like how procon charges people $2 for their procon layer, i would.