2 weeks ago, while i was playing bf1942, i was banned suddenly.. i understood nothing.. i applied ban appeal but after 2 mins, my application was denied..
i joined a server in bf42, pb banned me again... :(<The most interessting point is that : i can play another servers.. for example, i can play in another servers but i cant play in a server where i was banned. In other words, i was banned only one server, the others are open.. i dont understand why? the important question is : what if i hack (that never), how can i join another servers and play? what if i dont hack (that real), why was i banned?.. i sent a lot of mails to evenbalance and
I said this situation to evenbalance.. They said '' a file which is on your pc could be recognized by punkbuster as hack tool ''..
Then i searched that it was raised by ati.. i've used ati tray tools and i saw a lot of events like that (bans which have been caused by ati tray tools''
What should i do? My appeal was denied and my another appeal application right is not accepted. (it writes there that i have only a right to appeal )