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About Andyshole

  • Birthday 12/13/1985

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    Mission Viejo Ca.

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    Battlefield 3
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  1. Steam summer sale is coming, I'm waiting for the sale and i'll probably get DayZ. I'm not a big fan of arma, but DayZ looks amazing. I read a new article at http://www.pcgamer.com/ that the guy who created the mod, got full support from the Devolper to refine it. Looks like DayZ may become a standalone game which will be amazing.
  2. I was an admin, but l left the clan and i no longer admin. Right now i just jump on the server TS (if posted) and I'll provide them with the info for a proper ban.
  3. I read this, and i figured it would probably be DLC. I'd like to see a new direction in CoD, but i doubt they'll change it anytime soon. It sells like hotcakes (although people don't eat hot cakes anymore) and its feels like the same game, especially MW series. BO was fun, i didn't buy it, but i think BO2 doesn't look polished and seems like BO1.5. I'll keep an eye on it, but probably wont buy it.
  4. Oh, i did not know that, well thanks lol. I'll try the solution posted earlier. Thanks for the feedback.
  5. I can tell EA doesn't care. And people are starting to believe PB is a failed service provider. I know PB works, and i have banned obivious hackers when i was an admin before. 1) Battlelog report feature, broken. 2) Live chat, results in them explaining how report profile works 3) The hacker thread at Get satisfaction is now closed and redirects to report profile. Currently a wild goose chase. The only way to do it, is if you admin. The amount of hackers is unparalleled because of the new content. Why isn't there a better way to report a hacker, especially through PBBans? I'm looking for a solution and want to help as much as i can, not trying to argue or anything of that nature. I do appreciate the responses. And now there is a hack to change your BL name, since almost everyone knows the way a player can report a hacker is by his profile. There was a kid i caught, insta death hack, i tried to report his profile but it failed. So i left his profile open to report later, since he was kicked from there server. His name changed, and i was like wtf?
  6. Anything with ea is pointless, i tried live chat and what not. Its like they just don't care. I have a list of hackers in my battlelog that i have put on my radar, but right now there isn't a way to properly take care of the issue. Unless i admin, but im not an admin with any clan.
  7. How do we report hackers if BL is broken? There has to be a way, im in a server right now with an obivious aim bot, i was insta killed along with 4 other friends on TS from the same guy at spawn. Im not an admin and there has to be a better way. BL hasn't worked for months, there is nothing we can do as players that i know of, unless it's an admin that can obtain his guid. Thanks guys, im just trying to find a new way to clean these hackers up.
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