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  1. The demo was taken using /record in-game. The server was ah nvm. i thought they were streaming...sigh. more hackers get away. alright thanks, ill jsut have to try my luck with the server admins.
  2. Alright so, I tried posting one of these hackers on * forums since there was a hacker or two in their server. Have not gotten a reply so I'm hoping you guys can do something. I've got demos of both of these guys hacking, one even bragged that it wouldn't matter if he got banned because he has multiple guids. Well *from TWL...I have 3 of your listed guids right here. *. Caught this guy blatant hacking with a demo on him in EW promod server today at about 3:15pm cst. Have the demos on file, but I can't upload due to the max file size on attachments. Should I just make em into a video and upload to youtube? Edit: The other hacker is already globally banned, just not server banned.
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