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TheFuzz last won the day on December 16 2011

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    Shadow Company Elite
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    Battlefield 3
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  1. It can not be, they are the only ones who can change your global ban.
  2. um so what's the accule issue you are having? is it kicking you or is this just you want to go to server 8 not 5?
  3. I like it! Reminds me of our site :D
  4. Yeah its hard enough to get a server full but to have some ass kick you when you get on a small role sucks. I know we always stress the fact that they need some kind of evidence even to just slay someone.
  5. Yes its a server side thing. Something to do with the server getting disconnected with EA, so the server kicks all players, admin tools running on the player port and no one can join until it connects back into the system. Nothing they can do until maybe the R9 patch....
  6. got to fix the problem

    PunkBuster Server: Lost Connection (slot #1)

    PunkBuster Server: Lost Connection (slot #3)

    on the server of BF3????

  7. Just lost connection. I ran Procon today to see if the Punkbuster console would show anything and nothing strange just lost connection. Sometimes its doing it for a full server of 64 people and sometimes its picking 5-6 guys at a time.
  8. Yeah if they would have learned something from cod4 and a bit from BO they could have given BF3 a run for the money.
  9. Ok I found the "log files" that they say are the pbsv.logs Do you want me to message them to you or just compress and give you a link to down load from? I took 4 of them from my server, two are just pb running its start up config. The other two are from during game play with GUIDS and IP's.
  10. Idk Still waiting on a reply on why its not allowed from game servers. I have a feeling its part of the no FTP rule.
  11. But when we have PB off they dont get kicked.
  12. Good to know. Nope players are told they have been disconnected, the server says they lost connection and PB.log is something I cant see :/
  13. I would think with all the servers that steam controls they would have broken up such account information to make it harder to access.
  14. So I shut of punkbuster last night on one server and it made until 6 am when I turned pb back on before kicking all the clients from the server. So the question is how can I find out why this is happening?
  15. This is true lol
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