I just do what you say and i have this
[12.22.2011 19:46:21] pb_LogToFile = 1 (0=No, 1=Yes)
[12.22.2011 19:46:21] Attempting to resolve master8.evenbalance.com
[12.22.2011 19:46:21] Resolved to [] (14)
[12.22.2011 19:46:21] PunkBuster Client (v2.279 | A0) Enabled
[12.22.2011 19:46:21] Game Version [889134]
[12.22.2011 19:46:21] Not Connected to a Server
[12.22.2011 19:46:21] Master Query Sent to (MASTER6.EVENBALANCE.COM)
[12.22.2011 19:46:24] PB Services socket initialized
[12.22.2011 19:46:25] Connected to Server
[12.22.2011 19:46:27] WARNING: PB Kicks for Level 1 PB Restrictions on this Server
[12.22.2011 19:46:27] PB Server assigned guid = 06eb76f37337a462917a90b15822ee88
[12.22.2011 19:46:27] Receiving from PB Server (w v1.839 | A1386 C2.279)
[12.22.2011 19:46:29] PnkBstrA successfully loaded PnkBstrB
[12.22.2011 19:46:32] PnkBstrB service installed and started successfully
[12.22.2011 19:46:42] O/S Exception Notice
[12.22.2011 19:46:43] O/S Exception Notice
[12.22.2011 19:46:43] O/S Exception Notice
[12.22.2011 19:46:43] O/S Exception Notice
[12.22.2011 19:46:43] O/S Exception Notice
[12.22.2011 19:46:43] O/S Exception Notice
[12.22.2011 19:46:43] O/S Exception Notice
[12.22.2011 19:46:44] O/S Exception Notice
[12.22.2011 19:46:44] O/S Exception Notice
[12.22.2011 19:46:44] O/S Exception Notice
[12.22.2011 19:46:44] O/S Exception Notice
[12.22.2011 19:48:58] O/S Exception Notice
[12.22.2011 19:48:58] O/S Exception Notice
[12.22.2011 19:48:58] Not Connected to a Server
[12.22.2011 19:48:58] O/S Exception Notice
And kicked violation etc etc...