I disagree with you.
I can very easily write about 20 lines of python to auto update the banlist from this service and push it to my server. Hell i could even spend a few more hours and write a plugin for bf3 to make it a more robust platform if i wanted. That being said even having all that capability to do those things i would rather join the community and be able to pass back information to the collective. That is why im trying to jump all the hurdles put in place in the form of requirements to get to that point. I also have to say that having the list of banns with reason is a handy thing for other admins who are wanting to provide a better playing experience for their friends/clans/communities/random pubers.
So i am personally happy that the list is easily downloadable, it gives more flexibility for folks who may not have the time/desire to jump all the hurdles require by the stricter then most other anticheat sites requirements (which are evidently rather warranted).
Plus the av side of things is not a good comparison IMHO, most av's provide all the same signatures just added features (website reputation, email scanning, etc) which is eerily similar to how this community is setup.