i7 2600k OC to 4.9ghz
16gb ddr3 corsair 1800mhz
2x Geforce 570
Intel 128gb SSD
4x 1tb Disks in Raid
Corsair 1200W psu (i know overkill, but I'd rather have a PSU thats not working on the limit..
My gem!
Intel i7 2600K OC to 4.9Ghz
16gb 1800mhz Ddr3 Ram
4x 1tb Sata HDD in Raid
1x 128Gb SSD
2x Geforce 570 1280Mb in SLI
Corsair 1200W PSU
Nom nom :) (Im a 3d artist too, so having this computing power is "for Work" xD)